
Plauto de Abreu Neto

Hello everybody. I'm Plauto, a Computer Engineer with a passion for
Game Programming, Physics, Math and Competitive Online Gaming. This webpage is to showcase part of my work as well as my passions.

Work Portfolio

Fell free to get in touch with me regarding any of the subjects I showcase here, I love to talk and share anything related to them.

---- Post-Grad ----
Digital Game Development

---- Bachelor Degree ----
Computer Engineering

---- 3 Idols ----
Richard P. Feynman
Isaac Asimov
Bill Watterson

---- Passions ----
Programming for the fun
Boxing for the body
Reading for the mind

---- Quality of life ----
Work in a Big City
Relax in Maya Bay
Die in Mars


"Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running."

- Bill Watterson.

    This sumarises my believes in life, never stop learning, never settle, there is always something to aim for.


90% Complete
80% Complete
Gameplay Programming
70% Complete
Unity Editor (Tools)
70% Complete
Server-Side programming
50% Complete
40% Complete